
Dash CEO Ryan Taylor Discusses the Technology behind Dash and the Evolution software

CEO Money show has recently covered an interview with Ryan Taylor and Bradley Zastrow. Taylor explained the technology behind Dash and also discussed their new software called Evolution which is currently in the works.

The show hosted by Linda Butcher and Todd Towan welcomes CEO of Dash, Ryan Taylor who is also a payments industry expert with a significant background in financial services technology and strategies. Bradley Zastrow is the Global Head of Business Development at Dash and before this, he used to work with American Express, boasting 17 years of industry experience.

Dash is currently placed in the 13th position on the CoinMarketCap and the crypto’s rated surged in the last 24 hours at 0.35% – $492.79.

Taylor presents similarities and differences between Dash and other cryptos

Taylor presented an overview of the technology behind Dash, explaining that the crypto us similar to bitcoin and more cryptos and the main thing that sets it apart is its aim. Dash optimizes all their technology decisions, marketing strategies and business around the concept of payments, compared to other cryptos which target other use cases for the digital currency.

Taylor explained that Dash has rebuilt the wat that the network operates and they have a second layer called the master node layer. It involves special nodes or servers that are operating on the network and which perform functions that are not available on other networks.

One of Dash’s most popular feature is the instant send that allows payments to be confirmed in just one or two seconds tops. The credit card authorization allows Dash to be used as a payment method at the point of sale.

“In some way, I am the sub-contractor to the network, the company that I operate is a subcontractor to the network, we are serving the needs of the network” Taylor stated.

Evolution is the new software aimed at making the crypto easier to use

He also talked about Evolution which is the next version of their software. It has the goal to make cryptocurrency much easier to use and to eliminate the current difficulties. The software plans to allow users to send a login from any device, send payments and friend requests.

Evolution is set to be ready for use soon and the CED of Dash has not announced any official date yet. Taylor also made sure to highlight the importance of any crypto related software to be an open source one.

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