
US Dollar Dumping Begins – BRICS Nations Join Forces, Russia’s Top Diplomat Says

US Dollar Dumping Begins – BRICS Nations Join Forces, Russia’s Top Diplomat Says

It looks like the attack on the US dollar continues. Check out what Russia’s top diplomat says about this below.

US dollar dumping begins

Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov said just recently that the de-dollarization is already underway due to the US government’s rhetoric and policies.

According to a recent report from Tass, Lavrov has stated that the countries belonging to the BRICS alliance, which includes Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, are currently devising a plan to move forward without the need for the US dollar.

Lavrov is a Russian official since before the collapse of the Soviet Union. He recently stated the fact that the next BRICS gathering in August will focus on how the alliance’s New Development Bank can defend itself from potential US hostility.

“De-dollarization has begun, both in practice and in conceptual speeches… Within BRICS, Brazil suggested that the upcoming summit in August should give careful consideration to the tasks of protecting financial transactions within this assembly, of protecting the New Development Bank from abuse of the dollar’s persistent role. And we are putting forward many other initiatives concerning this issue.”

He continued and said the following:

“They are releasing lists enumerating the goods that should be banned for export to Russia. I’m not exaggerating now. There was a trio recently – an American, a Briton and a representative of the European Union – who had been touring Central Asian countries.”

He also said that the Western countries know well how to play on the difficulties they themselves create for other countries.

“And they will probably have a certain result, a certain benefit in the short term, but in the long term, they, and first and foremost the Americans, are hewing down the bough on which they are sitting, … including the roles of the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the role of the dollar in the world’s economy.”

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