An important banking giant is shutting its eyes when an important amount of money vanishes from people’s account. Check out the latest reports about what happened below.
Banking giant denies claims
A young couple, Elli Houston (21) and Trae Murphy (23), have been denied by a trillion-dollar bank after they claimed tens of thousands of dollars have gone missing from their account.
According to the Daily Mail, the couple attempted to transfer $90,000 AUD, equivalent to $58,000 USD, from their Commonwealth Bank account to the Bank of Melbourne in June. The first transfer failed, and the second transfer resulted in the money completely disappearing.
The couple has now filed a complaint with the Australian Financial Complaints Authority, and Houston has expressed that the loss has been financially devastating.
“We’ve got evidence and transactions of money going into that account. We can show the transactions when we were last getting paid and then we transferred the money over into our savings account.
We can show them screenshots of our account sitting on $96,000. But from their end, it’s blank. They won’t help us.”
According to the bank, the screenshots submitted by the couple do not match their own records. The bank denies that the couple’s account balance was ever as high as $90,000. The bank also found that the receipts provided by the couple were not genuine CBA receipts, as the receipt numbers did not exist in their records.
The bank confirms that the screenshots provided by the couple do not match their own records. The bank states that no transactions of $90,000 were attempted on either June 30th or July 4th. The bank also mentioned that the funds in question were held in a savings account and could not be directly transferred to outside banks.
During an interview with Melbourne’s 3AW news station, Houston revealed their plan to buy land in a small town near New South Wales with the money.
To sustain their property amidst an ongoing dispute with the bank, they have relied on an existing loan. Houston and their partner have been a couple since they were 15 years old and have saved for a long time to purchase the land.
Their goal was to pay it off before building a house so they could travel afterward. However, the situation now feels like everything has been taken away from them.