ICON (ICX) – Communities developed on icon’s infrastructure can connect and interact on a global stage. And can work on a local level. Creating balance while preventing exchanges from being tampered with.
Each community will be connected through the block chain, the block chain will provide a ledger that will keep everything updated and organized. Each community will have the ability to instantaneously track and pay for services. And will allow everyone in their community to participate with the technology. Each community can then focus on being on its own construct and still be a part of the ever-growing world.
Icon is solving community issues on a community basis and is allowing countries to solve financial issues globally
Each community will be connected to the larger communities through node‘s. These nodes will then, through consensus, connect to the next larger community. Again with consensus. Everyone in every community can then have a say in how their community will operate in regards to the other communities.
It is likely that as the further up one goes up the chain icon will create connected loops that will allow universal governance. At the same time communities at lower levels will still be able to make decisions through representation.
At the highest level of each blockchain is the conglomerate of communities ran by countries. Each country will maintain its own currency‘s which would then be tradable with other countries currency‘s. Icon will work with any current currency built on blockchain including ERC-20 tokens. Affording countries the same exchange potential as is occurring currently with other fiat currencies. Oh, and without the exchange rates.
The beauty of icon
The beauty of icon is that it is not self-serving. It’s technology is for the betterment of the world, with a focus on communities. Icon also serves the entire crypto community. And is done by connecting all block chains to each other through one global network.
This is what is called hyper connectivity. The hyper connection is going to change the world one block chain at a time. The task will not be easy to accomplish but if icon continues with passion and a strong sense of direction, icon will be a force to be reckoned with.
Every individual of every community will be able to participate with a block chain identification. That identification will be able to service every individual in every community by connecting to multiple blockchains.
Hyper-connecting individuals
When a person goes and applies for a job they will instantaneously be verified for/by their employer using a background check ran on s block chain. The employer can continue to look at the blockchain that may connect to another by consensus to see if the candidate is a good fit for employment.This blockchain could have data on every potential candidates historical data since pre-k. There also may be an algorithm blockchain connected to the historical blockchain looking at a range of topics, including personality identification. If the algorithm identifies the individual is a good fit another blockchain that is connected can decide which position that individual is most likely going to succeed in, if multiple jobs were available. That person could then be hired and set up with a new attachment to the identification stating they were hired and now another block chain could be activated. That blockchain would allow tax related information to be sent into the IRS for tax purposes. A person who is hired could also be set up with their personal bank account blockchain that is set to their specific identifier The would currently have so that when the person is working they would not have to wait two weeks, to a month, before getting paid. And the irs could theoretically get there blockchained currency sent daily as the individual gets paid.
And, theoretically in this instance, another blockchain could take their identifier from their new apartment whom uses their own blockchain and and immediately verifies that they have an income and that they already have a background check without having to resubmit. And the individual could be signed up for living at that moment. This could be used for every individual living in the world. And could really be a benefit for those living paycheck to paycheck.
Icon can allow everyone to build a community and get connected. It could be a family, a business, a school, a town, a city, state, or even an entire country.
Many are bullish on this crypto. It will be a huge undertaking. But what this company seeks to do is to change the world. Those are some big shoes to fill but with their inter-operability alliance and their vision they stand a chance to do so. As communities will grow this crypto currency is likely to grow as well.
So keep watching and be careful not to overlook icon
It is likely that icon will remain a leading contender to connect the world. But remember there will be others that have more backing that stand a shot at doing at as well. ICON (ICX) just like any other is speculative investment. Until more individuals integrate with icon it is best to decide if you yourself believe it will be used in the future.
Nothing written should be misconstrued as financial advice.