The latest statistics surrounding ICOs don’t look to bright because 80% of them are likely to fail.
The reasons are varied and include the following: poor technical execution of their idea, lack of originality, ICOs that are based on unsuccessful business models and more.
These issues are problematic to backers who are afraid of backing crypto startups due to the lack of trust.
As you can see, there are a few current problems surrounding ICOs in the crypto sphere and CryptoProfile is working to build a platform that can address all these issues surrounding ICOs.
The platform is set to offer legit token generation events a chance to reach contributors without risks.
Due Diligence System
Before CryptoProfile accepts an ICO to get listed, proper due diligence is required. This involves the viability of the business regarding the ability to address the legit issues and the saturation of the market.
Also, the team behind the ICO will be reviewed just to make sure that all the members are legit.
More aspects to be addressed include the technical viability of the project, the coin’s utility and the adherence to regulation.
ICOs that want to get listed on the CryptoProfile platform have to pay 100k for marketing, and CP tokens of the same value will be allocated to the startup and locked in an escrow account for six months or until the native crypto of the startup gets listed on an exchange.
Also, the startup has to allocate 10% of their tokens to CryptoProfile, and the latter will distribute them via an airdrop to CP token holders.
The benefits of this airdrop system include the discovery of crypto gems and the fact that the startups receive capital and exposure.
Unique Selling Point
The most intriguing feature of the CryptoProfile is the adoption of a Novel Economic Model – a viable enhancement over previous approaches.
The airdrop system provides financial incentives for CP token holders to market their ICOs listed on the platform.
You can join this crypto revolution by entering the Presale or the main token sale.
The Presale runs until January 31st, and the TGE starts from February 1st.
The official press release notes that Exshell Exchange and MUXE have given full support and funded CryptoProfile.
The platform is set to launch in a few months, and you can find out more info on the official website of CryptoProfile.