At present, Litecoin value forecasts for the near future are holding steady at approximately $119 per coin. What people looking to buy Litecoin really need to be looking at, however, are past Litecoin price predictions. The benefit of hindsight, after all, is the only real way to get an accurate picture of where Litecoin might be going both short and long-term.
Recent Litecoin Price Predictions & Their Investment Significance
As recently as October, analysts at Coindesk were forecasting that a Litecoin price move to $60 looked unlikely. In like regard, early November saw The Merkle, cautiously predict that Litecoin value per coin might reach $70 by the end of 2017. At the time of writing, however, Litecoin has already hit a new $75 benchmark.
Of course, no one can fault the accuracy of Litecoin analysis undertaken by the likes of Coindesk. At present, however, undervaluations and caution regarding future Litecoin value predictions are starting to look startlingly like many past Bitcoin price predictions.
Is The Litecoin Actually Undervalued?
When looking to buy Litecoin or any other form of digital currency, it’s easy to start basing investment decisions solely on reporting from authoritative sources such as Coindesk. In reality, however, leading cryptocurrency analysts rarely look at how a digital currency like Litecoin might be innovating. What is more, this is the single biggest reason why many people don’t buy in as early as they should to coins like Litecoin, Dash, and XEM in the first place.
Litecoin Isn’t Just Innovating – It’s Redefining The Cryptocurrency Market
Understanding why Litecoin will likely smash through even the most conservative $119 springtime 2018 price predictions is simple. Throughout 2017, Litecoin has invested in the development of the digital currency’s new Atomic Swap capabilities. This is a unique feature which in future, will allow holders of Ethereum, Bitcoin, and all Bitcoin derivatives, to instantly convert digital currency holdings to Litecoin.
Of course, people can already (almost) instantly exchange Bitcoin to Litecoin via third-party exchanges like Shapeshift. What Atomic Swaps do, however, is provide a way to dramatically reduce exchange and transaction costs. The future of Litecoin is subsequently one in which holders of any leading cryptocurrency will use and transact with that currency via Litecoin.
Looking to Buy Litecoin? – Here’s The Biggest Reason You Should Invest Now
Do you routinely wake up in cold sweats as you realize with ever more nightmarish hindsight, that yes, you should have bought into that weird thing called Bitcoin a few years ago? Well, if so, you might want to start taking a close look at Litecoin.
While purely speculative, there is one reason over and above every other why buying Litecoin now is likely a good idea. Litecoin, to put it simply, is still priced at point which makes the digital currency easy for even entry-level investors to buy into early at. What is more, Far Eastern digital currency investors have already realized this.
Buy Litecion & Hold – It Couldn’t be Easier
The biggest winners in the Bitcoin trading arena are/were those who invested in Bitcoin when tokens could still be picked up for $100 and less. What needs to be remembered, in this case, is that cryptocurrencies overall are still being used (and invested in) by less than 1% of the population.
With a new U.S. dollar debt crisis on the horizon and increasing interest in digital currency by millennials, prices of digital assets like Litecoin will skyrocket at some point, as the cryptocurrency market itself continues to grow. The only question is, are you prepared to buy Litecoin and hold now? Or in 5-years time, might you be having another Bitcoin moment?
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